Wednesday, March 21, 2012

P90X Day 5

Day 5:  Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

This Ab Ripper X is killer! Ugh! And doing it three times a week is absolutely crazy. But I like it somehow. I can feel my core tightening up. Now if only I could lose the layer of fat covering my new ab muscles...
The Legs & Back video consists of hundreds (or at least one hundred) of squats, lunges, and toe raises for leg muscle, and pull-ups for the back. I extremely dislike my legs, so I'm glad this workout is included. It's certainly extreme, and I'm not doing the same reps they're doing and I'm modifying a lot. But hey, I'm doing my best.

I don't seem to be losing weight yet. Losing weight isn't necessarily my overall goal, but it would be nice. Losing fat and gaining lean muscle is my goal. I'm trying my hardest to eat well, and I'm doing a good job, I think. I can feel the difference already. I used to feel sick all the time, but now I feel healthy (other than the sometimes extreme fatigue from working out and lack of adequate sleep.) I just can't wait for the results to be visible!

Thanks as always for reading! :}D

1 comment:

  1. But if you don't have a protective layer covering your abs, they could get hurt easier! Okay, that was really bad motivation lol. How about this: keep going, I know you can do it!! <3
