Monday, March 19, 2012

P90X Day 3

Day 3:  Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

My arms feel like they're going to fall off. This was an hour of shoulders, biceps, triceps, shoulders, biceps, triceps, shoulders, biceps, triceps, on and on. Very tough, but it's a good pain. Ab Ripper X is not yet getting easier. I was still sore from last time today, so I think I actually did a little less. But...I'm determined in this area. I want a beastly abdominal region, and a little pain and slow progress won't stop me! It just makes me want it more! Nothing worth having is easily obtained.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I feel sore just reading about it! lol You are definitely more motivated than I am. Good luck!
    Nicole <3
    (I don't know if this will show my Google username or not, so I'm just going to sign it lol).
